What We Do
Intervention Services
Since its formation by Alvin Brooks in 1977, AdHoc Group Against Crime has served as a trusted bridge between the community and law enforcement to reduce violence, solve crimes, and make neighborhoods safe and secure.
Prevention Services
More recently, AdHoc has taken on the challenge of addressing the core causes of violence and crime. Through mental health services, workforce programs, and policy work, we are creating a better future for underserved communities impacted by crime and violence in the Kansas City Metro.

Intervention Services
Grief Counseling
AdHoc’s Grief Counseling Services are presently available to individuals and families who have been impacted by trauma due to violence. Support sessions are free of charge and can be provided in the home or any location identified as private, safe, and convenient. AdHoc also holds support group meetings at its offices. As a part
of the group meetings, we frequently bring in guest speakers, such as experienced grief counselors, representatives from the Police Department, the medical examiner’s office, and the CSI Director.
If you or someone you know is looking for grief support, or struggling with a traumatic or violent experience, please call 816-861-5500
Office of Community Complaints
AdHoc partners with the Office of Community Complaints (OCC) to serve as a site for individuals to file complaints against police officers they feel have violated KCPD’s code of conduct. Community members can come during office hours to fill out a complaint form. AdHoc will then take care of having the form delivered to the OCC.
Neighborhood Canvassing
Canvassing allows us to support an entire community that has been affected by a violent act. We offer our services and position ourselves as a safe mediator that can accept tips in order to bring justice to our communities.
Radio Appeals & Flyers
AdHoc generates radio appeals and flyers to help raise awareness of those who are missing, murdered or suspected of crimes, and to interject positive community messages.
Prayer Vigils & Funerals
Vigils are a powerful way to help bring solace and build awareness of crime. While they unite the community and help begin the grieving process, they also create an opportunity to express outrage associated with losing a loved one to violence, which encourages the generation of vital tips to solve a crime. Families of homicide victims or church personnel may request these services and they can be delivered confidentially in your home.
24- HR Youth Hotline | 816-531-COOL (2665)
Youth can use this helpline to reach out for help in dealing with troubling life circumstances. Parents can also call to report missing children (16 years and under), and provide information regarding those who are missing.
24- HR Community Hotline | MO, 816-753-1111 | KS, 913-308-7555
This hotline is a valued resource to report gang/drug activity, crime suspects, missing persons (17 & up) and other incidents of concern, to receive community referrals, or AdHoc intervention services. It’s also used by those suspected or accused of a crime who would like to surrender. “Safe passage” to the police is one of the services AdHoc provides.
Survivor Care
Our community advocates provide basic needs, minor repairs, relocation services, and other resources, as needed, to individuals and families impacted by violence.
Basic Needs
We provide resource connections for access to shelter, food, clothing, utilities assistance.
Emotional Support
This could be as simple as someone to talk to about the problems created by surviving a crime. But it could be more, including assistance in going to court or to meet with law enforcement.
Minor Home Repair
We provide clean up services after a crime occurs in or around your residence. For Instance, if someone breaks your front door or window, or shoots into your home, leaving holes or other damage, we can assist with those repairs. Priority is given to repairs that ensure your safety and security.
Relocation Services (Fresh Start Program)
Threats of violence make it unsafe for a person to testify or continue to reside in their current home. Survivors need a way to escape these threats. AdHoc’s Fresh Start program helps relocate families that are in danger of retaliatory violence.
Criminal Justice Support
The criminal justice system is often confusing. We assist the victims of crimes in understanding the system, each step of the way. We assist with applying for state funds set aside to compensate victims for their financial losses. We have victim advocates who will accompany you to court and explain the system as it unfolds.

Prevention Services
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
AdHoc provides cognitive behavior therapy programs designed for individuals involved in the criminal and juvenile justice systems. Our trained group facilitators have made great strides in the reduction of reoffenders through our cognitive behavioral intervention curriculum.
Healthy Relationships Classes
AdHoc provides group relationship sessions to help individuals recognize the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships. These sessions also help develop skills for reducing anger and increase social and communication skills.
Victim/Policy Advocacy
Victims trust us to help them deal with crises precipitated by violent crime to navigate the criminal justice system and to help them begin to heal.
The Center for Healing & Justice
AdHoc is in the process of building the Center for Healing & Justice. The Institute will house AdHoc offices and continue to serve as the trusted community resource center for the hurting and disenfranchised. It will also include innovative programs that address the root causes of trauma and violence throughout our communities to propel our mission to heal and halt the harm.
Civil Rights Monitoring
AdHoc provides civil rights monitoring in an entertainment district (Westport Business District) to ensure individuals aren’t being subjected to actions that violate protective categories as defined by state statue. Our Civil Right Monitors observe onsite, first-hand accounts of interactions of the public entering throughout the venue. These are part time seasonal positions available on the weekends between October and April.
Employment Readiness
AdHoc provides employment readiness training, cognitive and social skills for those living in communities with high rates of crime and violence. The training prepares participants with various social skills to enter the workforce. We partner with educational institutions, workforce development organizations, and local businesses from the Kansas City metropolitan area to provide future leaders the relational and experiential knowledge needed to serve in the fields of mental health, criminal justice, and economic development.
Conflict Mediation
AdHoc helps resolve conflict without violence between two willing parties that are unable to do so on their own.
Block Watch Training
The Block Watch Training program educates participants in the principles of deterrence, delay, and detection. It introduces strategies and tools to encourage and strengthen cooperation among neighborhood residents and law enforcement. Simply put, the program encourages neighbors to work together with local police to reduce criminal opportunity.
104 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dr.
Kansas City, MO 64111